
Something terrible happened with my sister’s baby

It started as a quiet evening, one that seemed so normal at first. My sister and her newborn baby, Lily, had just moved into a house on the outskirts of town. The place was old, with creaking floors and dusty corners, but it had character—at …

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My creepy uncle paralyzed my little sister. Part 2

The weeks after Uncle Jacob left were filled with silence. Emma could no longer move, no longer speak, and the doctors continued to offer no explanations. My parents were devastated, but they clung to the hope that she would one day recover. I, on the …

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My creepy uncle paralyzed my little sister.

It all started the night my uncle came to stay with us. He was a tall man, with dark circles under his eyes and a voice that carried the weight of secrets best left unspoken. Ever since I was young, there was something about Uncle …

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It’s better not to wake up when every day is a living hell

Once upon a time, in a land far removed from the ordinary world, there was a kingdom named Evershade. But this kingdom was unlike any other, for every morning, as the sun peeked over the horizon, the people would groan in despair. They had lost …

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“But Babe, what if our new apartment is haunted?”

Lena laughed nervously, glancing around the spacious new apartment that she and her boyfriend, Josh, had just moved into. The exposed brick walls and modern fixtures were a dream come true, but ever since they signed the lease, Lena had felt… unsettled. “It’s not haunted, …

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Going to Heaven Isn’t as Great as It Sounds – Part 2

Sam lost all sense of time in the twisted version of Heaven. The once comforting notion of eternity now felt like a curse that tightened around him with every passing moment. Each day, or perhaps night—he couldn’t tell anymore—he wandered the desolate landscape, haunted by …

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Going to Heaven Isn’t as Great as It Sounds Part 1

It all started when Sam Harper died. He had lived a fairly normal life—nothing extraordinary, just a good man who paid his taxes, waved at his neighbors, and attended church on Sundays. When the time came, the doctors couldn’t save him, and he slipped away …

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My wife was killed over a worthless piece of jewelry. Part 2

Weeks passed, but the memory of that night clung to me like a shadow. The creature was gone, but the sense of dread never truly left. I had burned the necklace, yes, but something still felt… wrong. The whispers in the house had stopped, and …

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My wife was killed over a worthless piece of jewelry.

It was a stormy night, the kind where the wind howls through the trees and rattles the windows as if some unseen force wanted to break in. I was pacing through the dimly lit living room, my hands clenched into fists, unable to shake the …

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Today is my birthday, and the father of my child is going to die. Just like all of the others. Part 2

I sat there in the darkness, my heart pounding, the sound of his final breath still echoing in my ears. I didn’t need to look to know what I would find. His body was slumped beside me, cold and lifeless. The curse had claimed him, …

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