Scary Stories
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My daughter doesn’t like being a celebrity.

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Sara had been thrust into the limelight at an early age. The daughter of a famous actress, she had grown up under the watchful eyes of the world. Paparazzi followed her everywhere, and her face graced magazine covers she had never asked to be on. But Sara despised it. Behind her gentle smile was a soul that longed for anonymity, a desire for the ordinary.

As she grew older, Sara’s discomfort turned into something darker. She began seeing strange figures lurking in the corners of her room at night, shadowy shapes with eyes like flickering flames. They never spoke, but she could feel their cold breath, their malicious presence. At first, she thought it was just stress, a side effect of her fame. But the figures became more real with each passing day.

One evening, exhausted from a particularly overwhelming day of interviews and public appearances, Sara found herself alone in her sprawling mansion. The eerie silence weighed heavy in the air. She looked in the mirror and saw them—those same shadowy figures, standing right behind her. But this time, they whispered.

“We are here because you are seen by all,” they hissed. “Every gaze gives us strength.”

Sara’s heart pounded in her chest as she backed away from the mirror, but the figures followed, emerging from the glass. They moved slowly, surrounding her, suffocating her with their presence.

“You must make a choice,” they whispered. “Continue to be seen, and we will grow stronger. Or fade into the shadows, and we will leave you.”

In a panic, Sara fled to her mother’s old dressing room, where remnants of her fame remained—old posters, gowns, and awards collecting dust. She knew what she had to do.

Grabbing a pair of scissors, she began cutting her long, flowing hair. She ripped apart the expensive designer clothes she wore, tore down the posters that plastered her life across the walls. Piece by piece, she dismantled her identity, hoping that by shedding her public persona, she could escape the horrors that haunted her.

The figures loomed closer, their whispers growing fainter as Sara became unrecognizable, a mere shadow of her former self. She had given up everything, and with it, the figures finally vanished.

For the first time in years, she felt invisible.

But at what cost?

As Sara stood alone in the darkened room, she realized that the shadows had never been the true enemy. It was fame itself—a curse that once bestowed could never truly be undone.

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