Scary Stories
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I discovered something terrible on the Wayback Machine

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Once upon a time, there was a young tech enthusiast named Jake who loved exploring the digital world. One of his favorite tools was the Wayback Machine, a magical archive of the internet that allowed him to travel back in time and view old websites, long forgotten by most.

One late evening, Jake decided to search for an obscure website he’d come across years ago, one filled with strange and cryptic content. He had always been fascinated by its mysterious nature but had forgotten about it until now. With a few clicks, he typed in the URL and hit enter, eager to see how the site had looked in the past.

But what Jake discovered wasn’t just an old version of a forgotten website. As the page loaded, he saw strange symbols and distorted images that seemed to shift before his eyes. The more he stared, the more it felt like the images were watching him back.

Intrigued and a little unsettled, he scrolled down the page. Suddenly, the screen flickered, and a message appeared:

“You have found us. Do not look further.”

Jake’s heart raced. He tried to refresh the page, thinking it was a glitch, but every time he did, the message appeared again. Desperate to understand, he went deeper into the site’s archives, traveling back to older snapshots. Each time he did, the site became stranger, the images darker, the symbols more elaborate. He felt as if the pages themselves were pulling him into something far beyond the digital world.

And then he found it—a snapshot from a time when the website had only been live for a brief moment. This version showed a forum, where users had discussed secret codes, forbidden knowledge, and something called “The Gate.” At first, Jake thought it was just a joke or an elaborate hoax, but the deeper he read, the more real it became.

Suddenly, a new message flashed across the screen, this time directly addressing him by name: “Jake, you are too late.”

His heart pounded. How did it know his name? In a panic, Jake tried to close the browser, but it wouldn’t budge. His entire computer froze, the eerie symbols now flickering on the screen. And then, in a moment that felt both surreal and terrifying, Jake’s webcam light turned on.

The last thing he saw before his computer went black was his own reflection staring back at him, surrounded by the symbols he had seen on the website, twisting and morphing into something… alive.

The next morning, Jake’s computer was gone—disappeared, as if it had never existed. No one believed him when he tried to explain what happened. But Jake knew the truth: something terrible had been lurking in the Wayback Machine, waiting for someone curious enough to find it. And now, it had found him.

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